Finding Zen (in and outside the Garden)

Hey everyone reading,

I think we can all agree that 2020 – 2021 has been quite a whirlwind (putting it mildly). But, the world spins madly on and so must our attempts to populate this blog with our random musings, reviews, hopes, dreams & little tastes of zen.

We’re switching things up a little and this post is actually being written by me, Leiann. I’ve been reflecting a lot lately on the topic of finding and staying zen even in the face of situations that make you want to pull your hair out/ dissolve into large puddles.

Join me as I wander down the rabbit hole (and through the garden maze)! 

Defining Zen

Zen is defined by Miriam Webster Dictionary as “a state of calm attentiveness in which one’s actions are guided by intuition rather than by conscious effort.” 

I’ve been exploring my own personal thoughts and feelings on the subject and admittedly struggled at first to fully grasp the definition. However, the following example provided to show the word in a sentence helped with drawing some parallels to real life situations of zen-seeking people I know personally.

It is a quote by freelance writer, dreamer & gardener Irene Virag:

Perhaps that is the zen of gardening—you become one with the plants, lost in the rhythm of the tasks at hand. 

The idea/ hope is that this post will kick off a running blog series in which we share the stories of entrepreneurs, creatives and organisations seeking out their own zen (along with related breathtaking images of course). 

And hopefully by the final paragraph you and I both will feel a little more inspired to explore this concept zen in our own lives. 

Zen Garden: The Dream

To kick things off, let’s put the spotlight on Daphnis’ story. Daph is Damion’s sister, one in a tribe of 11 kids raised by Herman and Lynette Lackna. She’s described by those who know her best as hardworking, “stush”, persistent, charismatic, adventurous and, last but not least, resilient.

Daphnis spent over 26 years years dedicating her energies to the banking sector in Guyana. She started out as a Clerk and ended her tenure as a Manager. Over time, her unfulfilling work environment led to intense feelings of frustration and burn out.

So finally one day she decided it was time to make a change and pursue her true passion. Armed with a large yard, a green thumb, a burgeoning collection of plants plus a penchant for all things beautiful, she dreamed up the idea of Zen Garden and started growing (in more ways than one!)

Next came the great resignation. After all the blood sweat and tears shed at the bank, she handed in her one month’s notice and branched out on her own.

Daph signed up for a few markets/ pop-up shops, printed business cards and a banner and poured endless love, care and energy into amassing a wide offering of plants. She also sells a variety of soils tailored for orchids, compost & general potting. The success stories keep rolling in with everything from tomatoes to finicky flowers thriving and flourishing.

It is a new scary venture, but every day spent plowing and watering and propagating, her resolve and rhythmic zen expands. At the end of the day, life truly is too short to spend at a job you hate or in a situation that dims your light.

In The Market For Plants or Landscaping Services?

This post wouldn’t be complete without info on how you can get in touch with the zen gardener herself! You can contact Daphnis on +592 647 1368 for directions on how to visit her Zen Garden located in Good Hope.

Or you can also find a rotating selection of zen plants displayed at Datyogashop located at 39 Anira Street, Queenstown. Opening hours are 9am – 5pm Monday thru Friday and 9am – 3pm on Saturdays.

Additionally, Daphnis has also begun bringing her zen services to your garden! So if you have plants in need of some tender love, care and maintenance, feel free to reach out to her regarding house calls. She’ll fertilise, prune and trim everything into shape in no time. Grass cutting/ mowing services can also be conveniently arranged.

To Zenly Wrap Things Up

Since we’re living in the age of Gen Z, be sure to check out ZenGarden592’s growing social media presence where Daphnis shares pics of available plants or pop up shops she’s participating in  from time. Stay posted and follow along on:



Here’s hoping Daph’s pivot has inspired you to think a bit about what it is that makes you feel most zen and happy. Perhaps it’s not a rare Pink Princess Philodendron, but instead some form of crafting, exercise music, travel, baking or camera gear (here’s looking at you, Damion).

Literally whatever it is, as long as it helps lower stress levels and puts a smile on your face and little warmth in your heart, identify it, hold onto it and most importantly act on it!

Spoiler alert: I might even be sharing about a newfound hobby of my own that links to Daphnis’ Zen Garden offerings in our next post. Brace yourself, I’m no Picasso (or über talented Pinterest worthy crafter) but stay tuned and join me on my escapades into painting, macrame and more!

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