Street Scenes – Kensington Market’s Pedestrian Sundays

I’ve been meaning to check out Kensington Market’s Pedestrian Sundays for a while now. My buddy, Charles, raved about it when we first moved to Canada, but I never got around to taking a trip. Until last weekend, that is. And boy, am I glad I did!

During the summer months, Pedestrian Sundays transforms Kensington Market into a lively, car-free zone. It runs from May to October of each year and the warm weather brings out all the vendors, arts and crafts, and a slew of street performers, musicians, and artists. The whole area comes alive and a stroll through the streets is sure to lead to something exciting, whether that be the sizzling street food, the variety of bars and restaurants, or the endless photography opportunities in this bustling, graffiti-covered urban market.

I was there with Leiann and we were meeting our friends Quadad and Charles. It had been a while since I did any street photography so I was looking forward to exploring. It was a chilly, overcast day and after connecting with the guys, we strolled through the streets sampling goodies along the way.

Somehow, we stumbled upon a small park where a crowd had gathered. The group was pretty animated with multiple instruments being played while the people jumped and danced. It was pretty cool, to be honest – everyone seemed so energized and danced with their whole bodies. You could tell they were feeling it—it honestly looked like bliss. My photos don’t quite do it justice, but I managed to snag a few good shots.

I guess I was a little too into the dancing because after what felt like just a few minutes to me, the group was ready to move on. So we left and continued our meandering. I kept shooting whatever caught my eye and I was struck by how many street performers were there – I even saw instruments that I had never seen before! (Which I somehow didn’t photograph – and I’m not even sure why)

I did a little research and it turns out that Kensington Market dates back to the early 20th century. It was initially home to waves of Jewish immigrants, followed by Portuguese and Chinese communities. Today, it’s pretty much a melting pot of different cultures, and it’s easy to see this as you stroll through the area.

After a while, it started to get chilly so we found a bar, had a few drinks, then headed out. Overall, It was an afternoon well spent. Kensington market has something for everyone and even if you’ve been before but haven’t experienced Pedestrian Sundays yet, you should consider adding it to your to do list. You’re not likely to regret it.

Ok, thats it from me. If you’re reading this, I hope you’re having a really great day. I’ll catch you in the next one.


2 Comments Street Scenes – Kensington Market’s Pedestrian Sundays

  1. Julia Alfred July 13, 2024 at 10:02 pm

    Oh. My God…..and yo guys call me the writer. I was so engrossed in this piece. Kensington Market is an experience and you basically convinced me when I did even need it.


    1. Damion Lackna July 14, 2024 at 2:09 pm

      Julia, you’re so kind! Thank you so much for stopping by – and I’m really glad you liked it. Kensington is reallyyyy cool though – so much energy and life! I’m glad I listened to Charles.


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