Street Scenes: Downtown Hamilton

Because I’ve lived my entire life in the tropics, winter still feels magical to me. Maybe that has something to do with all the movies showing the winter months as fluffy, white, and magical. Unfortunately, the reality of living in a country where half the year is cold is quite a bit different. Shorter (and darker) days can definitely start taking their toll after a while, and that’s exactly what happened this year.

But, it still is kinda magical. So whenever I could, I would bundle up with all the layers and take walks with my camera. These shots were taken a few weeks ago as the winter was coming to an end, and may very well be the last snowfall we had here in Hamilton.

I’ve probably said this a few times before, but the simple act of taking a walk with my camera is often enough to help lift me out of those darker places we tend to visit from time to time. And every time I lean on my camera for this support, I can’t help but feel immensely grateful. Grateful that I have this avenue of creative expression and that creative tools and outlets are so accessible now.

Take care. Stay warm. We’ll talk soon.


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