Just Touching Base

Hey peeps, wa going on?

I know it’s been a while since I posted anything here. Life has this knack for knocking us off track, eh? I’ve been pretty swamped but I just wanted to hop on here to touch base. So here’s me face posing with my gorgeous wife.

In the months since I’ve made a post, a lot has happened. As I’m writing this, it marks just about 1 year since I moved to Canada. For the past few months, we have been living in Pickering, but we just recently moved about 2 hours west to a city called  Hamilton.

Honestly, it was a big move – we’re in a new city starting over again. But it’s also been very exciting. Lei is doing her Masters at a nearby university, which prompted the move in the first place. 

We (and by we I mean Lei) found this cute little apartment right across from the park in the image above that we’ll likely call home for the next little while. It’s tiny and cozy and we’ve been gradually making it our own. Oh, and we got our first few new plant babies! (no pics, sorry)

We’ve been doing a lot of exploring and I specifically have been doing a lot of biking – Hamilton has some pretty sick trails and honestly, it’s really been a blast exploring them. And I’ve gotta say, the drone has been coming in really handy in capturing some of my favourite shots!

It’s crazy how fast time is moving. The weather is already changing and the mornings are pretty chilly these days. We’ll soon be having our first winter on our own – and that will bring its own challenges. I guess we need to buy snow shovels and stuff. Let’s see how we get through this one boi.

I’ll be sharing a lot more here in the coming weeks – I want to document my time here as much as possible so be sure that you’re subscribed. (there’s a subscribe box somewhere down there – just add your email address) In any case, I hope you’re doing well and that things are falling into place for you.

Stay well – I’ll talk to you soon.


1 Comment Just Touching Base

  1. Leiann September 28, 2023 at 12:21 pm

    Love doing life with you and love you my wordsmith 💕


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